University of Oregon
  Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab




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Recent Publications




Erickson RI, Karduna AR. Three-dimensional repositioning tasks show differences in joint position sense between active and passive shoulder motion. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 30(5): 787-792, 2012 pdf file

Ettinger L, McClure P, Kincl L, Karduna A. Exposure to a workday environment results in an increase in anterior tilting of the scapula in dental hygienists with greater employment experience. Clinical Biomechanics. 27(4): 341-345, 2012 pdf file

Timmons MK, Thigpen CA, Seitz AL, Karduna AR, Arnold BL, Michener LA. Scapular Kinematics and Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. Epub Date - March 5, 2012 pdf file


Helgadottir H, Kristjansson E, Mottram S, Karduna A, Jonsson H, Jr. Altered alignment of the shoulder girdle and cervical spine in patients with insidious onset neck pain and whiplash-associated disorder. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 27(3): 181-191, 2011 pdf file

Helgadottir H, Kristjansson E, Einarsson E, Karduna A, Jonsson H, Jr. Altered activity of the serratus anterior during unilateral arm elevation in patients with cervical disorders. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 21(6): 947-953, 2011 pdf file


San Juan JG, Karduna AR. Measuring humeral head translation using fluoroscopy: a validation study. Journal of Biomechanics. 43(4): 771-774, 2010 pdf file

Helgadottir H, Kristjansson E, Mottram S, Karduna AR, Jonsson H, Jr. Altered scapular orientation during arm elevation in patients with insidious onset neck pain and whiplash-associated disorder. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 40(12): 784-791, 2010 pdf file

Amasay T, Latteri M, Karduna AR. In vivo measurement of humeral elevation angles and exposure using a triaxial accelerometer. Human Factors. 52(6): 616-626, 2010 pdf file

Acuna M, Amasay T, Karduna AR. The reliability of side to side measurements of upper extremity activity levels in healthy subjects. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 11: 168, 2010 pdf file


Joshi A, Massey C, Karduna A, Vresilovic E, Marcolongo M: The effect of nucleus implant parameters on the compressive mechanics of the lumbar intervertebral disc: a finite element study, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Accepted for Publication, 90(2): 596-607, 2009 pdf file

Silfies S, Mehta R, Smith S, Karduna A: Differences in feedforward trunk muscle activity in subgroups of patients with mechanical low back pain,  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90(7): 1159-69, 2009 pdf file

Amasay T, Zodrow K, Kincl L, Hess J, Karduna A. Validation of tri-axial accelerometer for the calculation of elevation angles,  International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2009; DOI: pdf file

Amasay T, Karduna A.  Scapular kinematics in constrained and functional upper extremity movements, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 39(8):618-27, 2009 pdf file

Chapman J, Suprak D, Karduna A:  Unconstrained shoulder joint position sense does not change with body orientation.  Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 27(7): 885-90, 2009 pdf file

Older Publications



Suprak DN, Osternig LR, van Donkelaar P, Karduna A: Shoulder joint position sense improves with external load, Journal of Motor Behavior 39(6):517-25 pdf file

McCully S, Suprak D, Kosek P, Karduna A. Suprascapular nerve block results in a compensatory increase in deltoid muscle activity. Journal of Biomechanics, 40: 1839-1864, 2007 pdf file

Suprak D, Osternig L, van Donkelaar P, Karduna A: Shoulder joint position sense improves with elevation angle in a novel, unconstrained task,  Journal of Orthopaedic Research 24:559-568, 2006 pdf file

McCully S, Suprak D, Kosek P, Karduna A: Suprascapular nerve block disrupts the normal pattern of scapular kinematics, Clinical Biomechanics, 21:545-53, 2006 pdf file

Ebaugh D, McClure P, Karduna A: Effects of shoulder muscle fatigue caused by repetitive overhead activities on scapulothoracic and glenohumeral kinematics, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 16:224-35, 2006 pdf file

Ebaugh DD McClure P, Karduna A: Scapulothoracic and glenohumeral kinematics following an external rotation fatigue protocol. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 36: 557-71, 2006 pdf file

McClure P, Michener L, Karduna A: Shoulder function and 3-dimensional scapular kinematics in people with and without shoulder impingement syndrome, Physical Therapy, 86: 1075-90, 2006 pdf file

Joshi A, Fussel G, Thomas J, Hsuan A, Lowman, Karduna A, Vresilovic E, Marcolongo M: Functional compressive mechanics of a PVA/PVP nucleus pulposus replacement, Biomaterials, 27, 176-184, 2006 pdf file

McCully S, Kumar N, Lazarus M, Karduna A: Internal and external rotation of the shoulder: Effects of plane, end range determination, and scapular motion, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 14, 602-610, 2005 pdf file

Joshi A, Mehta S, Vresilovic E, Karduna A, Marcolongo M: Nucleus implant parameters significantly change the compressive stiffness of the human lumbar intervertebral disc.  J Biomech Eng 127(3):536-40, 2005  pdf file

Karduna AR, Kerner PJ, Lazarus MD: Contact forces in the subacromial space: effects of scapular orientation. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 14(4):393-9, 2005  pdf file

Ebaugh DD, McClure PW, Karduna AR: Three-dimensional scapulothoracic motion during active and passive arm elevation. Clin Biomech 20(7):700-9, 2005  pdf file

Dayanidhi S, Orlin M, Kozin S, Duff S, Karduna A: Scapular kinematics during humeral elevation in adults and children. Clin Biomech 20(6):600-6, 2005  pdf file

Wu G, van der Helm FC, Veeger HE, Makhsous M, Van Roy P, Anglin C, Nagels J, Karduna AR, McQuade K, Wang X, Werner FW, Buchholz B: ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate systems of various joints for the reporting of human joint motion--Part II: shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. J Biomech 38(5):981-992, 2005  pdf file

Silfies SP, Squillante D, Maurer P, Westcott S, Karduna AR: Trunk muscle recruitment patterns in specific chronic low back pain populations. Clin Biomech 20(5):465-73, 2005  pdf file

McClure P, Bialker J, Neff N, Williams G, Karduna A: Shoulder function and 3-dimensional kinematics in people with shoulder impingement syndrome before and after a 6-week exercise program.  Physical Therapy. 84, 832-48, 2004 pdf file

Su KP, Johnson M, Gracely E, Karduna A: Scapular rotation in swimmers with and without impingement syndrome: practice effects.  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 36(7):1117-23, 2004  pdf file

Tsai NT, McClure P, Karduna A: Effects of muscle fatigue on 3-dimensional scapular kinematics. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 84:1000-5, 2003 pdf file

Michener A, McClure P, Karduna A: Anatomical and biomechanical mechanisms of subacromial impingement syndrome. Clinical Biomechanics, 18(5):369-79, 2003 pdf file

Johnson M, McClure P, Karduna A: New method to assess scapular upward rotation in subjects with shoulder pathology, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 31, 81-89, 2001 b/w pdf file  greyscale pdf file

Karduna A, McClure P, Michener L, Sennett B: Dynamic measurements of three-dimensional scapular kinematics: a validation study, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 123(2):184-90, 2001 pdf file

McClure P, Michener L, Sennett B, Karduna A: Direct three-dimensional measurement of scapular kinematics during dynamic movement in-vivo, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 10, 269-77, 2001 pdf file

Karduna A, McClure P, Michener L: Scapular kinematics: effects of altering the Euler angle sequence of rotations, Journal of Biomechanics, 33, 1063-1068, 2000 pdf file

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